The times they are a-changin’

The seemingly-unstoppable rise of Syriza in Greece is representative of a wider shift in Europe

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras (on a TV screen).

Much has been written in recent months about the surge in support for the self-declared “radical leftists” Syriza, who look to be on track to become the most-popular party in Greece this weekend.

Left-leaning publications have talked up the “hope” in the Alexis Tsipras’ agenda, highlighting how the party is battling to improve the lives of normal citizens.

Right-leaning ones have opted for fear and blame, playing up the “Grexit” threat, emphasizing tax evasion and declaring how Syriza’s policies may break up the EU.

But despite the implications for the wider continent, the reality seems to be that for most Greeks, domestic comes first. It’s about their own national future, which many feel is a lower priority for Europe. There is anger at the austerity measures which have not stopped the economy shrinking and have exacerbated the country’s high unemployment rate (25.7 percent last year, according to the IMF).

The middle class are hurting, the poor and the elderly are struggling to afford healthcare – only soup kitchens seem to be booming.

The middle class are hurting, the poor and the elderly are struggling to afford healthcare – only soup kitchens seem to be booming.

Pablo Iglesias, leader of Spain's Podemos, pictured during a rally  in Madrid.

Pablo Iglesias, leader of Spain’s Podemos, pictured during a rally in Madrid.

What’s also clear is that Syriza is representative of a wider shift in Europe. Many of the traditional parties that held power during the last century are finding that their dominance of national electoral politics is not was it once was

The times they are a-changin’ and a lot of Europeans will be voting this year. The continent may be a very different place come 2016.


An edited version of this column was published in the Buenos Aires Herald, on Sunday, January 25, 2015 as part of the ‘Perceptions’ series.


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